Term Dates, Events & Activities

Please scroll down the page for lots of useful information including Term Dates, Timings of the Day, Extra-Curricular Activities, PE Fixtures and our School Calendar including key events such as Parents’ Evenings.

Term Dates

The school uses the Nottingham City school term dates as a base for our annual school calendar, however there are also five INSET days that are additionally chosen by the school. The Nottingham City Term Dates may be used as a guide until the confirmed school calendar is released.

You can view the Nottingham City School Term Dates and Holidays information from 2023 to 2027 by visiting this link: nottinghamcity.gov.uk/education-and-schools/school-term-dates/

The School Day

Extra-Curricular Activities

PE Fixtures (Home & Away)

Key Events Calendar

Click on the image below to view the School Calendar providing a month-by-month summary of Key Events.

Parents’ Evenings & Information Evenings

We see parents as partners in their child’s education.

Two-way communication between home and school will help students make the best possible progress at Ellis Guilford. Parents’ Evenings dates are given below.

All parents/carers will have the opportunity to book a short appointment with each of their child’s teachers – via our online booking system – to discuss their child’s progress.

Booking your Appointments for Parents’ Evenings

When you have been notified that Online Booking is open for your child’s Year Group, please click on the link below to book your appointment.

Instructions on how to make your bookings will be placed here once “booking” opens for your child’s Year Group.