The Pupil Premium grant is funding allocated to all schools to enhance the educational outcomes, both academic and non-academic, for disadvantaged students. Schools are free to use the grant in the most appropriate ways to support their students.
The school has used the funding to support their students in a variety of different ways; the appointment of additional staff, staff development, intervention strategies, enhancing curriculum opportunities and supporting learning experiences inside and outside the classroom.
The Pupil Premium allocation for Ellis Guilford School for 2024 to 2025 is £616,403.
Details of how Ellis Guilford has used the Pupil Premium last academic year, and how it will be spent this year, can be found on the attached document below.
Departmental requests from the Pupil Premium grant will have expected impact evaluated by Assistant Head Teacher prior to agreement and subject leaders will report on the impact based on on-going assessment collection and end of year results.