Meet the Attendance Team

The Attendance Team all have a vital role to play in ensuring students attend school and therefore reach their full potential.

Joanne Chambers

Vice Principal


I have whole school responsibility for Attendance, Rewards and Pupil Premium. I strongly believe that high quality education is for all children and that working together we can achieve the best for our pupils. 

I began my teaching career in 2002 and have worked at 4 secondary schools across the East Midlands in a variety of pastoral and achievement roles. 

Stacey Jackson  

Attendance Improvement Manager 


I joined Ellis Guilford School in March 2021 as Attendance Improvement Manager and have over 9 years’ experience in the attendance field, specifically, in specialist schools.   

I work closely with students, families and agencies to help remove any barriers which may prevent a child from being able to attend school. I am also the main contact for attendance concerns for Year 7 parents and carers.

I enjoy the enormous privilege of being able to help young people to fulfil their potential by supporting them to attend school, therefore building the foundations for a positive future.  

Michelle Hufton  

Attendance Improvement Leader 


I joined Ellis Guilford in December 2022 as Attendance Improvement Leader. I visit students and their families at home to ensure their wellbeing and to help them with attending school. 

I work closely with Year 8 and 11 students including SEND students to improve their attendance and to support them with attendance issues. This role enables me to work closely with students and families, supporting them with opportunities that education offers. 

Rebecca Lowe

Attendance Improvement Leader 


I joined Ellis Guilford School in April 2023 as Attendance Improvement Leader, working closely with students in Years 9 and 10.

I have a passion for helping our students overcome any attendance barriers they may have. I enjoy being a part of a young person’s journey and to help them to build a positive foundation for future success.

Michelle Bustin  

Attendance Improvement Coordinator  


I have been at Ellis Guilford since September 2022 as Attendance Improvement Co-ordinator. I am in the office at 8:00 am every day ready to take absent calls. 

I enjoy supporting and helping students access education and achieve their goals. Building a relationship with students and helping them be in school daily is a top priority. Awarding students when improving their attendance by handing them a small token as a Well Done .