Parent Briefing 4/11/24


A warm welcome back to everyone following, what I hope, was a restful October half-term break.  

This half-term we will continue to work hard to be the very best we can be. You will now know how passionate I am about a creating the very best environment for our children.  

We have therefore created a new phrase here at school which is based around EGSellence.

EGSellent Uniform and Equipment

As always at the beginning of a new term, I like to remind everyone of our uniform and equipment expectations.  

I appreciate how difficult the economic climate is at the moment for many families, so please do make use of our Pre-Loved Uniform Shop. This is available at all times during the school day, and after school. Please do enquire at Main Reception, or look out for the adverts on social media.  

All children should have: 

  • An EGS blazer 
  • An EGS tie 
  • A white shirt 
  • Grey/Black trousers or skirt (Grey is compulsory for Year 7s)  
  • Black polishable shoes 
  • A rucksack  

All children should bring the following equipment to school every day.

A navy EGS lanyard, containing a lunch card and an EGSellence Card  

An EGS Knowledge Organiser (funded by the school) 

An EGS Planner (funded by the school) 

A pencil case containing a black/blue pen, a pencil, an eraser and a ruler (all children were issued with one of these free of charge in September) 

EGSellent Year 11s 

‘Well done’ to Year 11 for attending revision sessions that took place over the half-term break. A huge thank you also to staff who came in during their holiday to deliver these. They were EGSeptionally well attended; absolute credit to the fantastic year group they are! 

Year 11 children should now all have a revision timetable and be well into their daily revision habits. As always, if children need any support with revision, they can always speak to their tutor or pop along to the school library after-school each day from 3.00pm.

The first round of Year 11 Pre-Public Exams take place in November.

The booklet below includes Revision Techniques, the Exam Timetable, the Ellis Electives Timetable and Subject-Specific tips for success and revision resources.

Homework and Pupil Planners 

At the start of term, you will have received the homework policy along with information on how to access the online platforms and the use of pupil planners. You can find all this information here: Homework – Ellis Guilford School along with a list of homework frequently asked questions (here).  If there are any ongoing issues, please contact Mrs Hudson (Assistant Principal):  

Pupils are encouraged to note down homework in their pupil planners to help them remember tasks and track deadlines.  In addition, it gives you opportunity to support and monitor your child’s homework completion.  

Each week, there is a space for parents/carers to sign, acknowledging the homework recorded and hopefully this will spark a discussion around the homework set. If you wish, you can also leave a message for your child’s tutor or teacher in the planner.  Starting this term, we kindly ask for your support in signing the planners each week.

We appreciate your support with home learning as it truly makes a difference in your child’s overall progress.   

Safeguarding – Keeping your children safe online

How much do you know about keeping your child safe online? The online / digital world can be difficult to navigate for parents, carers and adults who look after children, and it is important that we all keep up-to-date with online risks.  

This week, we will be focusing on training staff about keeping children safe online. Our children will also receive training on how to be a responsible digital citizen focussing on: 

  • Being respectful online 
  • Stopping and reviewing before posting anything online 
  • Protecting their online reputation 
  • Protecting privacy 
  • Thinking critically 

Click on the image below for great advice from the NSPCC on keeping your child safe online.

If you have any Safeguarding concerns, please email:


This week all pupils who attend a full week will receive 50 Guilford Gold on Fabulous Friday.

Next week, students who attend every day will receive a cookie on Fabulous Friday.

For a reminder of our Attendance procedures and how to contact the Attendance Team, please visit: Attendance – Ellis Guilford School.


Ellis Electives

If your child would like to take part in our range of after-school clubs, please sign them up through the Arbor Parent App. You will find the full schedule along with details of how to sign up here: Extra-curricular Activities – Ellis Guilford School

This term we have have added a new club: Mrs Stewart’s Bake-Off Sessions. If your child would like to take part in our Bake-Off competition where the best House wins, please provide consent in the Arbor Parent App (see Clubs in the Activities section).

Arbor Parent App

The Arbor Parent App is our main method of home-school communication as well as giving you access to Clubs, your child’s Guilford Gold, payments and personal data. 

If you have not yet created your Arbor Parent Account, please do so as soon as possible. If you need any support with this, please ask at Main Reception. You can find out more here.


Head to our Term Dates, Events & Activities page to view our Key Events Calendar providing a month-by-month summary of key events. Also, if your child is successful in joining a PE team, we have included the PE Fixtures Calendar from September to December. Click on the images below to view the ‘live’ calendars, and click through the pages to find out what’s happening this month or next!