Parent Briefing 2/12/24


Countdown to Christmas

As of today, we have 3 remaining weeks in school until the holidays.

Find out what’s happening in school in our special Countdown to Christmas briefing, including details of how to pre-book Christmas Dinner and last day of term arrangements, finishing at 12.30pm.


As we know, from the summer exam results, when children are present in school, they learn well; the children who were in school every day, achieved more highly than other children nationally. We must therefore do all we can to ensure our children are in school every day. All children are expected to attend up to, and including, the 20 December. Lessons will continue as normal.

Winter Clothing

Please do ensure your child has a coat in school every day. As much of our site is outdoors, and we operate line-ups except in the most severe weather, children will need a coat. We do have a pre-loved selection of coats here in school. Please let us know at Main Reception if you’d like to take a look at these.

Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Our online booking system, SchoolCloud, is now open to Year 11 parents and carers to book their appointments for Wednesday 18 December. Find out more here: Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Your attendance is expected in order to support your child to achieve their very best in the upcoming final examinations.


Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Ellis Guilford School has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of harmful sexual behaviour – including sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexism.  It is important to keep returning to this theme with young people to make sure that they understand that some sexual behaviours can be problematic, inappropriate, or harmful, and that it is everyone’s responsibility to contribute to a community free from any form of sexual violence.  An important aspect of this is a thorough understanding of consent.  This week, we will be training pupils in what harmful sexual behaviour is and how to report it.

As your children start to have intimate relationships, it is important that you talk to them to arm them with an understanding of healthy relationships.  Visit the NSPCC website for some good advice on speaking to your child about this sensitive topic.

If you have any Safeguarding concerns, please email:


This week all pupils who attend a full week will receive a delicious doughnut on Fabulous Friday. Next week, students who attend every day will receive a wonderful waffle on Fabulous Friday. Click on the images below to view the attendance rewards which run all throughout the term.

For a reminder of our Attendance procedures and how to contact the Attendance Team, please visit: Attendance – Ellis Guilford School.


Ellis Electives

If your child would like to take part in our range of after-school clubs, please sign them up through the Arbor Parent App. You will find the full schedule along with details of how to sign up here: Extra-curricular Activities – Ellis Guilford School

Arbor Parent App

The Arbor Parent App is our main method of home-school communication as well as giving you access to Clubs, your child’s Guilford Gold, payments and personal data. 

If you have not yet created your Arbor Parent Account, please do so as soon as possible. If you need any support with this, please ask at Main Reception. You can find out more here.


Head to our Term Dates, Events & Activities page to view our Key Events Calendar providing a month-by-month summary of key events. Also, if your child is successful in joining a PE team, we have included the PE Fixtures Calendar from September to December. Click on the images below to view the ‘live’ calendars, and click through the pages to find out what’s happening this month or next!