Message from the Principal


Welcome to Ellis Guilford School; a large inner-city secondary school serving 1300 incredible children.

As the very proud Principal of this extraordinary school, I have one very simple aim:

To ensure that the children attending our school receive the very best deal when it comes to their education.

Success can be measured in many forms, but here at Ellis Guilford School, we firmly believe that through a rigorous and robust curriculum and with exceptional teaching, our children can flourish. We strive for academic excellence at all times.

We are privileged to have a team of staff in our school who are absolutely passionate about, and committed to, providing the very best education for all of our children.

In order for our children to be successful, children are supported through a superb pastoral system that values and celebrates positive relationships.

We place huge value on the relationships we also have with our families.  We truly believe that, together, we can make a real difference to the lives of our children.

We also provide an extremely busy extra-curricular calendar for our children to choose from. We have many sporting and performing stars in our midst who benefit from these opportunities.

We have three core school values of equality, integrity and ambition. These values permeate our school and we expect all children to take responsibility in embodying these values on a daily basis.

Equality – give everyone a chance – to belong and succeed
Integrity – do the right thing – with passion, with purpose
Ambition – work hard, aim high – now and for the future

You can read more about our vision and ethos here.

Ellis Guilford School is part of the Creative Education Trust who support our vision of providing a world-class education for our very deserving children. Our school benefits from their unwavering support and guidance, to ensure even better outcomes for our children.

I warmly welcome you to come and see our school in all its brilliance. I look forward to meeting you then.

Mrs Gemma Johnson