
At Ellis Guilford School, we understand that technology plays a key part in living a modern lifestyle. The internet is a fantastic tool to learn, create and have fun both inside and outside of school. However, there can occasionally be challenging issues to face.

These might include cyber-bullying, the pressure to take part in sexting, encouragement to self-harm, viewing pornography, along with various others. But there is a huge support network that can help in resolving any issue people may face.

E-Safety is a high priority at Ellis Guilford School. All students take part in internet awareness lessons through Skills 4 Life amongst various other events held through the academic year.

If you are experiencing issues online, speak to a member of staff at school or follow the links below for further information and guidance.

Support for students:

  • Thinkuknow – Operated by CEOP, Thinkuknow offers a wide range of support and guidance specific to age groups.
  • Childline – Games, videos, blogs and a wide range of options to get in contact. Childline is a free, private and confidential service.
  • Internet Matters – In partnership with BT, Internet Matters offers a range of guidance, specific to age. Internet Matters also has guides on setting up your mobile devices safely.

Support for parents:

  • NSPCC Net Aware – NSPCC and O2 have partnered up to give parents the run down on all the latest trends and apps. Take a look at the dangers each app poses to young people.
  • Vodafone – Working with industry experts, Vodafone have guides on how to approach conversations, recommended digital time and how to speak digital.
  • Childnet – The Childnet toolkit is a fantastic resource for parents. Guides on family agreements and blogs on the latest hot topics.