At Ellis Guilford School we would like all subject areas to implement the following where possible:
You as teachers play a vital part in the delivery of the careers programme designed by our careers team. Students will always look to you for guidance along their school journey which will include their next steps and career pathways.
In order to support our staff we have provided some useful guidance here about what you will be asked to deliver, what are the Gatsby Benchmarks and guides to help you use Unifrog, so you can trust that you are passing on relevant and up to date information relating to careers to guide any conversations with students either in passing or within your teaching.
Support is always available from the careers team should you need it, don’t hesitate to ask for our support:
Mr Nick Lever – Careers Leader –
There are a range of resources on the market that suggest ways of incorporating careers learning into different subject areas. Heads of faculties will be provided with any materials that the careers team has available.
Careers in the Curriculum