We aim to encourage learners who have Equality, Integrity and Ambition.
To furnish learners with the skills to develop into ambitious learners today, for tomorrow.
English has a pre-eminent place in education and in society. A high-quality education in English will teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them. Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, especially, plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society; pupils, therefore, who do not learn to speak, read and write fluently and confidently are effectively disenfranchised.
It is our passion, for every pupil to develop a love for maths. Every child can learn mathematics given the correct environment and learning experiences, which our curriculum map embodies. We have high expectations of every child and believe with the relevant support all children can succeed in mathematics. Mathematics is in every aspect of life; from personal finance, redecorating, shopping and engineering. Everywhere you go, mathematics is involved. Our curriculum map is designed to allow pupils to have exposure to these real-life situations and be able to transfer their skills and knowledge learnt into everyday life. It is also important that every child develops a confidence to apply their mathematical skills across other areas of the curriculum, and our curriculum map has this in mind with links to science, geography and design in particular.
The cultural importance of mathematics in embedded into our curriculum. Pupils will have opportunities to explore the history of mathematics and link this to nature, music, architecture and religion. This will give children exposure to the cultural relevance of mathematics and widen their cultural awareness. Our curriculum will allow pupils to not only develop their mathematical skills, but also their reasoning and problem- solving skills.
Science encompasses everything that we are and allows us to make sense of the world around us. A high-quality science education should develop pupils’ curiosity and scientific knowledge in order to question the world in which we live, enable critical thinking and encourage pupils to become socially aware global citizens. As pupils progress through their scientific education, they should be able to apply their scientific thinking and vocabulary to explain a wide range of phenomena, develop their experimental skills through a variety of scientific investigations and use their observations to justify the conclusions they have made, whilst using their analytical and evaluative skills to critically analyse information they are presented with.
We believe at Ellis Guilford School that Art is a subject that can help us to understand and give meaning to the world in which we live. Art affects everyone’s lives and as such is an extremely valuable subject.
We support our pupils to aspire through their learning experiences to standards of excellence intellectually, practically, and aesthetically. The curriculum we provide is rich in skills and knowledge. Through our curriculum, we aim to provide pupils with an experience that is exciting and to ensure that our pupils combine practical skills with creative thinking, developing highly valuable and transferrable skills for future careers and life.
In Art and Design our intent is to ensure that all our pupils receive a rich and varied curriculum which encompasses the skills and knowledge required to develop an understanding of the different specialisms with the world around them.
Throughout their KS3 journey learners will develop fundamental skills in ICT and Computing. Through exciting programming activities and complex problem solving, basic skills and knowledge ensuring they have a strong understanding of the digital world.
With vocational elements, practical applications and key skills embedded throughout, learners will have the digital literacy to use online systems safely and ethically as well as the ability to create interactive products. Understanding how networks, hardware and software form a vital infrastructure for the world around us, learners will have the confidence to use ICT and Computing both now and in the future.
This course provides learners with a broad understanding of Computer Science. The course comprises of a mixture of essential theory knowledge and practical programming skills that are relevant to not only the IT industry, but also problem-solving skills. IT skills are becoming increasingly desirable as the technological world evolves around us and this course will give learners ample opportunity to gain skills in this field. Learners will fully understand not only the way in which computers function, but also how they are programmed.
Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.
They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and wellbeing of pupils. Design and technology pupils learn how to take risks, become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.
We intend to build confident, independent and successful learners who have an ongoing curiosity for the subject beyond Ellis Guilford School. We will robustly establish the skills, knowledge and learning experiences our pupils already possess to allow their progress to inform and influence curriculum content and learning; our curriculum is able to respond and adapt to learner needs to stretch their thinking and practical ability further.
We believe that it is important that pupils are given the opportunity to study hospitality and catering as a vocational route into the food industry. The programme of study gives pupils a wealth of relevant industry, hygiene and operations knowledge.
Alongside this, pupils will also have the opportunity to refine their cooking knowledge, allowing them to become more accomplished chef’s. Furthermore, hospitality and catering will give the pupils sound nutritional knowledge that will enable them to make healthy choices as adults when they are providing for themselves.
Pupils practical confidence will grow and enable them to feed themselves a variety of foods using a variety preparation, cooking and presentation skills. This qualification will also give pupils a core depth of knowledge which they can then use as a foundation for further study and future careers.
This course is an inclusive, vocational qualification that appeals to a wide range of learners and allows flexibility through a mix of external assessments that allow the course to be tailored to the individual. The vast majority of optional units are engaging and prepare pupils for their next steps. The course content prepares pupils for working in the media industry due to it’s use of industry standard techniques. These units assess the practical application of creative interactive media skills while challenging all learners.
A high-quality Dance education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, create and develop their own work. They should know and understand how Dance has developed through a range of different styles and techniques.
Drama is designed to be an inclusive and creative course, aimed at increasing the cultural capital available to our pupils. It allows them to use their own imagination and creativity to create drama performances whilst introducing pupils to existing repertoire in the form of written texts, practitioners and performances. A CET KS3 drama pupil will develop their confidence in using their voice and body to tell stories and performing their work to an audience as well as increase their teamwork, collaboration and evaluation skills.
Film is an important part of many people’s lives. Those who choose to study it characteristically bring with them a huge enthusiasm and excitement for film which constantly motivates them in their studies.
They experience a powerful medium which inspires a range of responses from the emotional to the reflective as they are drawn into characters, their narratives and the issues films raise. The root of that power is the immersive audio-visual experience film offers – one which can exploit striking cinematography, composition and locations as well as powerful music and sound. It is not surprising that many consider film to be the major art form of the last hundred years and that many feel it important to study a medium which has such a significant influence on the way people think and feel.
The media and film industry are growing rapidly, and our course provides skills for jobs of the future in film, media and other related areas of employment and study. Learners will think and work creatively and develop critical thinking skills and aptitude. They will develop a mindset of creativity and connectivity where anything is possible.
We intend the Music curriculum to be a practical experience which creates a love of music and an appreciation of different genres, styles and cultural influences. We want all pupils to experience the feeling of success and enjoy ‘making music’, having the opportunity and confidence to explore and perform music in many forms. We value the positive impact music can have on mental wellbeing and will endeavour to provide an ambition curriculum that provides a range of opportunities for pupils to experience music outside of the classroom, in the local community and beyond.
Over the three year curriculum, pupils should have experience of the following genres and the great composers within them (e.g.), and should have an understanding of the historical timeline: Blues (BB King & Bessie Smith), Jazz (Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald), Reggae (Bob Marley), Electronic Dance Music (Fat Boy Slim), Film and musicals (John William & Andrew Lloyd Webber), Baroque (Bach), Classical (Mozart), Romantic (Tchaikovsky), Serialism (Schoenberg), Minimalism (Philip Glass), African (Lady Smith Black Mambazo), Samba (Buene Vista Social Club), Gamelan (Orchestra of Indonesia), Folk (Bob Dillon & Tracey Chapman). There will be a focus on current music and the diversity and culture it brings.
Pupils are taught: use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby and tennis] develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports [for example, athletics and gymnastics] perform dances using advanced dance techniques within a range of dance styles and forms.
In Child Development, we explore the facts about pre-pregnancy, reproduction, antenatal and labour before moving onto to study key characteristics of early childhood growth and development from birth to five years across the developmental areas. Pupils will be able to develop knowledge, understanding and technical skills by planning, developing and adapting play opportunities suitable for young children across the five areas of development as part of their Key Stage 4 learning.
Pupils will gain experience on a range of topics that are important to the early years, such as the importance of play and how child-friendly environments help to support this. By studying Child Development our pupils will be learning about societal influences, which enables pupils to gain a real insight into all of the challenges, excitement, considerations and responsibility surrounding children’s development. It was Maria Montessori that said: “Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society”, and by studying Child Development pupils at The Ellis Guilford School will be passionate about the early education of children which could lead into a carer in childcare, early years education or paediatrics.
The vision of Languages at Ellis Guilford is to broaden the horizons, cultural experiences, and knowledge that our students have of languages beyond those of their daily experience. We want students to develop a curiosity for languages by deepening their understanding of sounds, vocabulary, grammar, sentence structures and phrases in different languages, while embedding this in a knowledge of the culture of the countries from where the languages originate. We want our students to understand that to be able to communicate in multiple languages is a wonderful thing, helping them better understand themselves and their place in the world around them. At Ellis Guilford, pupils study French and Spanish during the first half term of Year 7, then specialise in one language to give them time to develop the deeper understanding needed to excel in that language. Pupils who have a particular passion for languages are able to study additional languages through extra-curricular clubs.
The geography curriculum will build on the knowledge and understanding pupils have of the world to help them to understand the role they can play in shaping the future of the planet. The curriculum will provide pupils with a foundation across both physical and human geography. We aim to inspire pupil’s curiosity and passion about geography and empower them to form their own opinions about global issues. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their awareness and understanding of the ways people interact with the physical geography of the planet. This will allow them to see the links between ideas and understand that the actions of people can influence the opportunities and challenges future generations will face in years to come.
Each year throughout KS3, pupils experience a range of geographical themes, while studying a continent or region of the world and developing their fieldwork skills. Pupils will build on key knowledge and skills already acquired and revisit these in future topics through a different contextual lens. We endeavour to empower our geographers for the demands of their next step at GCSE. The pupils will develop a more complex understanding of a range of physical and human geography topics, whilst ensuring they develop a range of skills that make them highly employable in the future.
Modern society is ever evolving in terms of ‘societal norms’ however human development and how we treat and care for one another continues to be at its core.
The curriculum intent for Health and Social Care is to give pupils an insight into some aspects of the health and social care environment, ranging from how the human develops from birth to death to different types of support that might be used, and to seeing how care values are expressed.
BTEC Health and Social Care ensures that each pupil has the opportunity to understand the wide range of opportunities within the field, as well as preparing pupils for future employment. The Health and Social Care course is a vocational qualification which takes an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment. The course equips pupils with a sound, specialist and realistic understanding of how to meet the needs of individuals using services and specialist equipment, whilst challenging stereotypes and discrimination.
The study of care values is at the heart of Health and Social Care which develops skills such as empathy, compassion, commitment, tolerance and empowerment. This enables our pupils to become educated citizens and contributes to society in a positive way. The curriculum within Health and Social Care supports the ethos within the school as the subject is broad, balanced and relevant to the needs of pupils and employers. The curriculum challenges pupils to think abstractly, work collaboratively and problem solve to develop curiosity and the desire for knowledge.
The History curriculum will help pupils understand how events in the past have helped to shape the society we live in today. It will build on the prior knowledge and understanding pupils have of history to help them to understand the role they can play in shaping the future of society. Our curriculum will provide pupils with opportunities to develop their awareness and understanding of different historical events from the 11th to 20th century. The events studied will develop the pupils’ knowledge of local, English and world history.
Pupils should be able to make links between ideas and understand that the actions of people in history can influence our lives today. The curriculum intends to develop a range of key skills in pupils that will help them in their study of history and will also develop key skills wanted by employers. These include the ability to communicate effectively, interpret information from a range of sources, make judgements and develop critical thinking skills.
Pupils study RSME because it acts as a bridge between home, school and society. It provides them with the knowledge, skills and experience to be able to thrive both in their academic careers and in their lives as adults. RSME offers them a safe space to develop as learners and human beings, and to explore their own understanding of the world around them.
By the end of their time at a CET school, pupils will:
Be able to form safe and loving relationships, recognising when those relationships are no longer appropriate, and able to respond accordingly. They should be comfortable with their own feelings and accepting of others, and aware of the diversity in approaches to relationships in those around them.
Understand how to lead a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle, and how to address issues which might be affecting their own health. This includes diet, fitness, substance use, emotional wellbeing and first aid. They should also be able to recognise deteriorating health in other people, enabling them as supportive friends and partners in the future.
Be introduced to the adult world, with a basic understanding of financial decision making, career prospects, family life and recognising and responding to prejudice. They will have explored their own strengths and developed their skills, allowing them to identify appropriate career paths and routes towards them.
They will understand what the ‘world of work’ entails, with high aspirations about how they fit into the work environment. Know what the ‘British Values’ are, and why they are an important part of being a British Citizen.
They will know what the Prevent strategy is, and why all of us play an important role in challenging and preventing extremism in all its forms, know what support is available to them both in and out of school. This refers to physical and mental health, careers, relationships and support relating to potential criminal activity. Underpinning the whole curriculum, the following values will be developed in pupils:
The study of religious education is vital. RSMS provides pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum which aims to ensure all young people in our care leave us well prepared for a life in contemporary British society. We have identified the content that is most useful and worked collaboratively to create a curriculum that unifies the ideas of the discipline whilst remaining extremely useful and relevant to all pupils.
The study of Religion, Worldviews and Social Issues can positively contribute to social cohesion, build resilience and encourage deep thought on several big questions and contemporary issues. Without Religion and Worldviews pupils would not have the opportunity to foster ideas of respect and tolerance in an environment that promotes higher order thinking skills and discussion with others. Pupils’ experience and learning journey in the Religion and Worldviews environment is one that cannot be gained anywhere else within the school and will allow them to be able to hold their own well-developed opinions on some of the most controversial topics in today’s world as well as prepare them for being adults in an ever-changing world.
If you would like more information about the schools curriculum, please contact curriculum@ellisguilfordschool.org.uk