Exam Certificates

Calling all Year 11 Leavers (Class of 2024)

Your GCSE certificates are available in school for collection at the times below.  We are unable to post them to you but if you can’t collect them at the times below then you can either:

  • Nominate someone else to collect them on your behalf.  Please email exams@ellisguilfordschool.org.uk from your personal email address giving your date of birth and home address, informing us of who you would like to collect them.
  • Come in during any other day after the below dates while reception is open.

Collection Dates

  • Monday 2 December 2024, 3.30pm to 5pm
  • Tuesday 3 December 2024, 3.30pm to 4.30pm
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024, 3.30 pm to 4.30pm

These certificates will be needed to prove your results to future colleges, universities or employers.  If misplaced, you will need to contact the exam boards directly for replacements.  We hold your certificates in school for a minimum of 2 years.

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