Attendance at school is, in most cases, the single most important factor that effects the chances of success at school. Research suggests that 17 School Days missed can mean a GCSE Grade Lost.
Click the image to find out how days off impact your child’s learning.
Our Attendance Target for all children is a minimum of 98% across the academic year.
Your child is expected to attend the Academy every day, on time, arriving no later than 8.35am. If they arrive after morning registration has closed, they will be marked using the code U (an absence code). Being late to school will impact on their overall attendance as a U code counts as one session missed. You will find more information about student absence in the sections below.
We reward students with excellent attendance and punctuality by awarding Guilford Gold and giving weekly, half-termly and end of year prizes and special rewards.
It is the responsibility of school and parents/carers to ensure that children attend school to improve their chances of success. The Attendance Team works with families to remove any barriers to attendance by building strong relationships and working together to put the right support in place.
Should you have any concerns about your child´s attendance, please email:
Click on the image below for information and guidance on what to do if your child is feeling unwell.
If your child is too unwell to attend school, it is your responsibility as a parent/carer to contact the school with a reason for the absence as soon as possible.
Absences can be reported to the attendance team in several ways:
Our expectation is that students should be arriving on school site no later than 8:35am in preparation for an 8:40am start. Students who arrive after 8:40am will be issued with a 20-minute detention during break time.
Punctuality is an essential requirement of the Ellis Guilford Attendance Policy. Arriving late to school can significantly reduce achievement, regardless of academic ability.
Home visits are completed on the third day of absence as per the Ellis Guilford School Attendance Policy, shown below.
Should you be experiencing any barriers with your child’s attendance and would like the attendance team to visit you at home, please contact Mrs Jackson, Attendance Improvement Manager by email to:
Routine doctor and dental appointments for students should be made outside school hours as much as possible. If a student has an orthodontist or paediatrician appointment to attend within school hours, the Attendance Team will require evidence of the appointment, ie, a copy of the appointment letter.
Holidays during term-time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. Applications for absence should be made by completing the leave of absence form below. Paper copies are available at main reception and student services.
The Education Welfare Service work to raise achievement levels by working with pupils, parents and schools, other agencies and the community, to improve the attendance of the city pupils. Also, they work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Your child´s school is responsible by law for reporting poor attendance to the Local Authority. Most local authorities employ Education Welfare Officers to monitor school attendance and to help parents meet their responsibility. The named Education Welfare Officer for Ellis Guilford School is Rachael Gladwin. If your child is not attending school regularly, an education welfare officer may visit or write to you. Education Welfare Officers work with parents to address their child´s attendance difficulties. You may be offered a parenting contract by your child´s school or the Education Welfare Service This is a formal agreement in which the school and/or la agree to provide you with support and you agree to do certain things to help improve your child´s attendance.
As a parent, you are committing an offence if you fail to make sure that your child attends school regularly, even if they are missing school without your knowledge. You run the risk of being taken to court.
If you have any concerns about your child´s attendance and you wish to talk to an education welfare officer you can contact them on 0115 8762131 or send an email to:-
Click the image above for more information about the roles of each member of the Attendance Team, including contact details.
The attendance team are available to meet with parents and carers during our drop-in sessions every Wednesday from 11am – 1pm, no appointment necessary. Contact the attendance team if you wish to schedule a meeting outside of these hours.
If you are concerned about attendance linked to Years 7 to 9, please contact:
If you are concerned about attendance linked to Years 10 to 11, please contact: