We are incredibly proud and over the moon to share with you our first Ellis Guilford production which supports the Black Lives Matter movement.
Fortunately, racism isn’t something we experience at our school. We’re fully inclusive, we have staff and students from all walks of life, and we work and learn together as one.
Many of our students decided they wanted to do something to show their support to BLM, this was led by Year 11 students Shania Williams and Shirayne McDonald, both of whom feature in the film.
Together with their teachers, the students came up with a new concept which we all live and work by at Ellis Guilford – we are together in everything we do:
We stand together
We learn together
We grow together
We succeed together
We are committed to ending racism and we wanted to do something to get the message across. Every single student and member of staff at Ellis Guilford is incredibly proud of this production and are committed to ending racism and working together “as one”.
Please view our production video here and let us know that you stand with us in the fight to achieve equality for everyone.