Dear Year 10 / 11 students and staff
On Thursday 2 May, there will be a Year 10 and 11 Basketball fundraiser taking place in the Sports Hall from 3.30 to 5pm. All funds raised will help support the Year 11 Prom.
There will be several matches for Year 10 and Year 11 (boys and girls) plus ‘Teachers vs Students’.
If you would like to watch or play, the cost is £2 for students and £5 for staff, payable on ParentPay. If your parent/carer needs their login details, please email:
Anyone wishing to play, should ask their parent/carer to complete the online consent form here:
Please do come along to support or donate money.
Lastly, we wish to add a big thank you to Year 11’s Sigrid for designing our promotion.
Thank you on behalf of Year 11