Month: February 2022

Year 9 Parents Evening and Options Event

Mr Fugill has published a letter to invite you to attend Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 2nd March between 4:00pm and 7:00pm. We are back running parents’ evening face to face this year. Please make your appointments using the online booking system and bookings will become available from Thursday 10th February.

We wish to also invite you to our Options Evening that is taking place Wednesday 9th March between 5:00pm and 7:00pm.

For more information please click on the link below:

Seneca Parent Webinar

Have you watched your child struggle with schoolwork?

Would you like to know how best to help your child with learning? Patrice Bain (@PatriceBain1), teacher and parent, has worked with cognitive scientists for over 15 years in identifying principles and strategies that increase learning and decrease anxiety. Author of Powerful Teaching: “Unleash the Science of Learning” and “A Parent’s Guide to Powerful Teaching”, Patrice will discuss evidence-based tools and strategies that work.

Webinar Title: Empowering the Teaching Triangle: Student, Parent, and Teacher.

Speaker: Patrice Bain

Date & Time: Tuesday, 15th February, 5:30pm, online

Cost: Free

Link to register:

Calling All Former Students

We are calling all alumni of Ellis Guilford School to sign up to our brand new Alumni hub. We will use the hub to keep in touch with our alumni, as well as invite alumni to speak to current students to share their stories and experiences.

We hope this will be the beginning of a long running Ellis Guilford community, so please sign up and join in.